Los Angeles Eats Itself was conceived as a trilogy; an event series which looks at the past, a web series that explores the present, and a science-fiction series centered around the future of our metropolis. The event series focuses on the infamous moments from our city's past using food and art as a medium for an immersive experience. Los Angeles Eats Itself, the web series, dedicates 24 hours - breakfast, brunch, lunch, dunch, dinner and a night cap - to one particular food identity. And, finally, Los Angeles Eats Itself, the science fiction series looks at the future of the city through the lens of a post-apocalyptic narrative that merges all the themes from the event and web series (edible realities, natural disasters, noir murders, celebrity cults and lots and lots of driving) into one speculative idea on the future of our city.
Below is the first episode of our 10 part Television series centered around the near future Los Angeles of 2035, 15 years out from the great earthquake of 2020.