Los Angeles Eats Itself is an experience based event series that I created in 2013 that merges culinary arts, visual arts and product design in an event centered around one infamous moment in Los Angeles’ history. I am the lead creative director of the ten part series which means I choose the participating artist(s) and chef(s) who will collaborate during each meal as well as over see the staging of the venue and the site specific installations. Additionally I play a direct part in the design and production of key elements such as an edition of products, food concepts and how the sequence of the event eventually unfolds.
For the Night Stalker Supper I created the central Logo for the event as well as assisted in the creation and layout of the event's major art work by Juan Capistran, a pentagram inspired table. For this event I created a small batch of bottled purified Los Angeles River Water called Los Angeles Drinks Itself.