Starting in 2006, I created, edited and produced Agent Once, a conceptual film script made strictly from 11 different artists contributions. Similar in spirit to the exquisite corpse images created by the DaDa artists in the 19th century, Agent Once is a collection of unrelated visual props that create a story through the relationships that they inevitably develop. Imagine if you were to extract out certain 'props' from existing narratives: the glowing suitcase from Pulp fiction, the alien cutlass supreme from Repo Man, the orange room from Videodrome, the bleeding hallway from The Shinning, the infinity room from THX 1138. Then what if you attempted to compose another completely different narrative out of these uniquely singular 'props'? Each artist develops a proposal for a ‘prop,’ as one would cast a character, and the accumulated ensemble calls upon a writer/director to decipher the unknown plots that lie between the objects. The final booklet of visual 'props' is unpacked and synthesized into a new and unconventional film narrative ready for production, bridging the narrative gaps between the artist’s props.